Inga katter / No Cats

Idag är det den 6:e november. Denna dag år 1632 låg dimman tät över Lútzen och kung Gustav II Adolf blev skjuten! Nog med historia, över till broderiet 🙂

Today it is the 6th of November. The very same day in 1632 there was a heavy fog lying over Lútzen and the Swedish king Gustav II Adolf was shot and died! Enough history, over to the embroidery 🙂


Inte mycket har blivit sytt dessa tre veckor. Katterna har fått ta paus. Endast två rutor till(av 12) har blivit klara på den lilla stitch-alongen. Besök gärna de övriga damerna i gruppen, för de har nog varit flitigare! Stort välkommen till Cindy, ny i gruppen!

Not much have been done these last three weeks. The cats are taking a break. Only two more squares (out of 12) have been finished on the tiny SAL. Do visit the other ladies of the group, I bet they have done a lot more! A big welcome to Cindy, new in the group!

Avis, Claire, Kate, Carole, LucyAnne, Wendy, Jess, Sue, Constanze, Debbierose, Christina, Susan, Kathy,  Margaret and Cindy

16 tankar på “Inga katter / No Cats

  1. Some of us have not done so very much either!
    I have some history for you too. On 5th November in 1605, some men plotted to blow up the Houses of Parliament in England. And each year since, it is commemorated with a bonfire and fireworks.


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