Åh nej, vadden syns! / Oh No, You Can See The Batting!

Ja, det var min första tanke 🙂 Sen tänkte jag att det kanske inte var helt fel, så det fick bli så!

Well, that was my first thought 🙂 Then I thought it wasn´t that bad, so I just left it that way!


Jag pratar förstås om Project Quilting 9:2, Triangulation. Vilken utmaning!!!! Min första idé gick inte alls, så det fick bli plan B. Små trianglar, stora trianglar, trianglar av garn. Quilten är 0,37m x 0,50m (14.5″ x 19.3/4″). Jag heter Gun och bor i Sverige!

I´m, of course, talking about Project Quilting 9:2, Triangulation. What a challenge!!!!!  My first idea wasn´t working, so it had to be plan B. Small triangles, big triangles, triangles made of yarn. The quilt is 14.5″ x 19.3/4″ (0,37m x o,50m) My name is Gun and I live in Sweden!


10 tankar på “Åh nej, vadden syns! / Oh No, You Can See The Batting!

  1. I like this a lot! I like the contrast between the soft batting, the sharp points of the triangles, the matte fabrics and the shiny rings, the rounded, padded shapes and the straight lines of the strings. It all comes together really well 🙂


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