Den är färdig!! / It Is Finished!!

Inte kattparaden, där återstår det ännu en del att sy. Så här såg den ut för tre veckor sedan:

Not the Cat parade, I still have some unfinished part to stitch on that. This is how it looked three weeks ago:


Här är jag nu och kvar är att sy klart den blå bakgrunden, efterstygn och muren katterna sitter på.

Here I m now and left to do is the blue background, backstitches and the wall the cats are sitting on.


Jag tillhör en grupp broderare, som redovisar sina framsteg var tredje söndag. Lite eller mycket spelar ingen roll. Här nedan följer listan på övriga deltagare! Besök dem gärna!! På Avis blogg hittar du mer information.

I belong to a group of stitching people, that show what they have done every third Sunday. Much or little doesn´t matter. Down below you´ll find the list over the other members. Do visit them!! At Avis´ blog you´ll get more information .

Det bästa har jag sparat till sist! Mitt fria broderi som tog ett år, en månad och X antal dagar att sy. Allt under #oneyearofstitches2017. Dvs, jag har sytt litegrann på broderiet varje dag under förra året. I år finns det också en grupp på Fb som syr litegrann varje dag. Jättekul idé tycker jag och broderar vidare 🙂

I´ve saved the best to the end! My embroidery designed by me. It took one year, one month and some days to finish. I´ve been following a group on Facebook #oneyearofstitches2017. We sew some stitches every day of the year. This year there are a new group stitching. I think it is a very good idea, so I´m gonna keep on stitching 🙂


34 tankar på “Den är färdig!! / It Is Finished!!

  1. oh the Year of Stitches is gorgeous!
    and look! Mummy cat is there to make sure kitten gets some milk when it’s their turn ^^


  2. Gun, your year of stitches looks FABulous! What a wonderful finish! Was it you that induced me to go over to Facebook and look for that group? I haven’t done much on that particular sampler this past week but hope to have something to show in the days ahead.


  3. I love the cats — but WOW, I adore the year of stitches piece! I did a temperature afghan in 2017 and decided I didn’t need another massive blanket … but stitching rather than crocheting… now that’s interesting… Thank you for sharing!


  4. I’ve been enjoying watching this picture grow. Can you tell me the pattern’s name and brand? I would love to stitch it too.


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