
Jag är jag, en gift kvinna med två katter.

Jag älskar handarbete, just nu syr jag lapptäcken.

Jag tror på Gud, läser bibeln var dag.

Jag gillar inte att laga mat, men bakar bullar o matbröd ibland.

Nästan alla mina kläder kommer från secondhand, utom de från Gudrun Sjödén.

I am a married woman, no kids, but two cats.

I love handicrafts, right now I do quilts.

I believe in God, read the Bible every day.

I dont like to cook food, but I do bake bread and biscuits some times.

I wear secondhand clothes and a few dresses from the swedish designer Gudrun Sjödén.

14 tankar på “About

  1. As I promised, I took a look around your blog this weekend. I like the fact that you are writing bilingual. Although I don’t speak Swedish, I can read some of it because it reminds me of Low German – more or less distantly. I’ll be learning some more because I’m following your blog now. 🙂
    Thank you for following mine.


    • A year ago, when I started my blog, I didn´t know I was going to write in english as well as swedish. That´s why I called my blog ”rutigt”, a swedish word for plaid!


  2. I just found your blog and I want to tell you how beautiful and inspiring your work is. I have made some quilts in the past and I hope to get back into it when I retire. Seeing such beautiful designs is so motivating.


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