Vilken röra! / What a Mess!

Först: Tack för alla ”Krya på dig”-hälsningar till Frans! Han mår bra nu, såret på foten har läkt! Full fart 🙂 Fast här vilar han med syrran Dennis. Det var en mycket varm dag och då var det skönt att ligga inne, där det var lite svalare!

First: Thanks for all your ”Wishing well”- thoughts to Frans! Now he is feeling fine, his leg has healed well. Now it´s full speed 🙂 Here he is taking a break with his sister Dennis. It was a very hot day and I guess it felt good to rest indoors where it was a bit cooler!


Har ni ordning på era arbeten när ni syr? Jag har oftast två-tre arbeten eller fler på gång och då kan det se ut så här:

Do you have chaos or not when you are sewing? I usually work with two-three or more quilts at the same time and this is what it looks like:


Dennis älskar att befinna sig mitt i röran. Hon tar ganska stor plats och det är ingen idé att flytta på henne. Hon kommer strax tillbaka.

Dennis loves being in the middle of the mess. She is taking on a quite big space and there is no idea to move her away. She will soon be back.


Jag förbereder rutor till Quilt-as-you-go. Har en låda full med scrap-vadd. Det gäller ju att spara på allt!

I´m preparing blocks for Quilt-as-you-go. Have a box filled with scrap batting. Don´t throw anything away, save everything!


Jag länkar till EvaJ, måndag, Visa och berätta! Inspiration och länkar till ännu mer inspiration, är vad du hittar på hennes blogg!

I link to EvaJ, Monday, Show and Tell! Inspiration and links to even more inspiration are what you´ll find at her blog!

13 tankar på “Vilken röra! / What a Mess!

  1. My sewing room is usually a bit tidier, but that’s because it’s also smaller! Also, I don’t have to share it with any furry friends, so that gives me a bit more space. I keep everything for projects I’m working on in a basket or on a tray, on a bench under my cutting table, so it’s like having an extra small table under there, very useful. At the moment on my table, I have bits of fabric waiting to be paper pieced, and one basket of fabrics for August’s F2F, and that’s about it… I don’t count the pile of mending in the corner: two pairs of the Husband’s work pants, and a pair of shorts with a big rip in the bottom, which he can’t bear to throw out!

    Gillad av 1 person

  2. Du har jammen meg god orden når du syr. Hos meg er det mere rot, og ikke alltid jeg rydder med en gang heller. Det blir helst noen skippertak innimellom. Rart med kattene som alltid vil opp på bordet og hjelpe til eller bare ligge oppå alt. Jeg har ikke katt, så har sybordet for meg selv. 🙂


  3. Things have begun to clear just a bit in my sewing room. Scrap Dance is now folded up, and another batch of F2F3 blocks left today. No new clothing sewing at the moment and no more mending either, so there may be hope for a bit of tidying!


  4. Oh Gun this picture of your craft room made me laugh. If you exchange the fabric for papers, glues and stamps etc it could be my craft room. It is hard to be a crafter and a neat freak at the same time x


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