Scrap Happpy Day, November 15

Eftersom det är den 15:e idag, handlar detta inlägg om scraps. Och bara om scraps 🙂 Vi firar Scrap Happy Day!!!!! Kate från Australien och jag bestämde oss, för ganska längesedan nu, att skriva om scraps den 15:e var månad. Jag har ganska mycket scraps liggandes. En del har jag fått från vänner. Jag syr oftast mina scrapsrutor som ”Leaders and Enders”, dvs i början och slutet när jag syr något annat.

Since it is the 15th today, this post is all about scraps. And just only scraps 🙂 We are celebrating Scrap Happy Day!!!!!! Kate and I decided, some time ago, to post about scraps every month on the 15th. I have a lot of scraps in my boxes. Some of them I´ve received from friends. I mostly sew my scrapblocks as ”Leaders and Enders”, That is I sew them in the beginning and in the end, when I´m sewing something else.


Bl a har jag flera väldigt små rutor, tack Gun och Gunilla för dem! För att få dem lika stora (små), skar jag ner dem till 1.1/4″. Sen sorterade jag dem efter färg. Hittills har jag sytt fyra rutor, färdig storlek 6.5″

I have a lot of tiny squares, thanks to Gun och Gunilla for sending them! I had to trim them, so now they are all 1.1/4″. Then I sorted them due to color. Now I have four finished block, size 6.5″, but there will be more!


I en låda hittade jag scraps från Maria (bloggen Majas Paradis). Av dem syr jag en annan sorts rutor. Mera remsor och alla rutorna är nästan lika, men ändå inte! Allihop har storleken 6.5″.

In one box I found scraps from Maria (blog Majas Paradis). From these scraps I sew a different kind of blocks. More strings and all the blocks are almost alike, but not quite! They are all in size 6.5″.


Här nedanför hittar du länkar till fler quiltare som ofta använder scraps när de syr. Vill du ha ditt namn med så skriv det i kommentaren. Dessutom länkar jag till EvaJ, måndag, Visa och berätta. Hon syr också mycket med scraps, men även annat fint och inspirerande.

If you scroll down, you´ll find a list with links to even more quilters who often are using scraps when sewing. If you want your name on the list, just say so in the comment. I will also link to EvaJ, Monday, Show and Tell. She uses a lot of scraps in her works, but she also sew a lot of other nice and inspiring things.

Usually has a scrappy post:

Kate at  (in English only)

Titti at (in Swedish only)

Heléne at (in Swedish only)

Eva at (in Swedish only)

Sometimes has a scrappy post:

Sue at (in English only)

Nanette at (in English only)

Lynn at (in English only)

Norma at (in English only)

Lynda at: (in English only)

Birthe: (in Norwegian only)

Turid: (in English and Norwegian)

Cathy: (in English only)

Jodie Zollinger: (in English only)

Susan: (in English only)

Helena: http://www.helenaå  (på svenska)

Debbierose: (in English only

16 tankar på “Scrap Happpy Day, November 15

  1. Your tiny blocks are amazing! I see another scrap vortex quilt happening… I like my big hexies, but once I’ve made enough for a quilt, I’ll have to find another project for the tiny scraps again 🙂


  2. Be careful! You may find yourself with more envelopes of scraps coming your way! For a while I was sewing my smallest bits together but now I’m actually {gasp!} throwing away anything smaller than 1.5″ square. Even at that I don’t think I’ll ever get ahead of the growing piles. ;- ) I honor you for your progress.


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