Ikapp! / Catching Up!

Nu är jag äntligen ikapp rutorna på den gröna quilten 🙂 Då är det dags för Beginner´s-Quilt-Along. Rutorna ska sys ihop och täcket ska quiltas. Mycket att göra, men så länge det är roligt fortsätter jag!

Now I´ve finally catch up on the green quilt 🙂 Then it is time for Beginner´s-Quilt-Along. The block shall be pieced together and the quilt shall be quilted. Much to sew, but as long as I´m enjoying it, I´ll continue!

3 tankar på “Ikapp! / Catching Up!

  1. This is a great free quilt pattern that I found with instructions on how to make a great picture fram quilt. It of course involves some transfer paper, but the result is both memorable and gorgeous. Here is the link to the site where it can be found. Free Picture Frame Quilt Pattern And as always, you will find some suggested quilting fabric to go along with the quilt below.


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