Scrap Happy Day, July 15th

Det är mitt i sommaren och vi firar det med en SCRAP HAPPY DAY!!!!! Den 15:e varje månad får du chansen att visa upp vad just du syr av dina scraps. Vi ( Kate och jag) länkar gärna till din blogg, så att fler kan få se och inspireras av dina projekt! Vill du vara med så skriv det i kommentaren nedan!

It´s in the middle of the summer and we are celebrating SCRAP HAPPY DAY!!!!! On the 15th every month you´ll get the chance  to show what you are doing using your scraps. We (Kate and I) are gladly linking to your blog, so more people can see and get inspired of your projects! If you want to join us just leave a message in the comment below!


På bloggen Soscrappy syr vi i blått denna månad (RSC 2017). Jag använder mina 1.5″ rutor som jag skurit till av scraps.

At the blog Soscrappy we are sewing in blue this month (RSC 2017). I´m using my 1.5″ squares cut from scraps.


På bloggen My Tea and Brie syr vi på quilten Trip Around the World (design Bonnie K. Hunter). Vi syr under temat Summer Trip Around the World 2017. Jag har valt att  använda mina 2.5″ rutor (från scraps), men man kan också sy med remsor som man sedan skär isär. #summertriparoundtheworld2017

At the blog My Tea and Brie we are sewing the quilt Trip Around the World (design Bonnie K. Hunter). Our quilt is called Summer Trip Around the World 2017. I sew my quilt using 2.5″ squares, cut from scraps, but you can also use strings when sewing. #summertriparoundtheworld2017


Apropå Bonnie K. Hunter, så har hon en Leaders and Enders utmaning varje år, med start nu i juli. Årets tema är Rail Fence med en extra touch. Jag gillar idén med Leaders and Enders, dvs, när du syr något börjar och slutar du med rutor till ytterligare ett projekt. På så vis syr du två täcken på en och samma gång 🙂 Jag håller just nu på med ”den extra touchen”. Läs mer på Bonnies blog!

Talking about Bonnie K. Hunter, she introduce a Leaders and Enders challenge every year starting in July. This year the theme is Rail Fence with an extra touch. I like the idea with sewing Leaders and Enders. When sewing one quilt, you start and end the chain with pieces from another quilt. In that way you sew two quilts at the same time 🙂 Right now I´m working on ”the extra touch”. You can read more abut it on Bonnies´ blog!

Listan / The List

Usually has a scrappy post:

Kate at ( In English only)

Titti at (in Swedish only)

Heléne at (in Swedish only)

Eva at (in Swedish only)

Linda at (in English only)

Sometimes has a scrappy post:

Sue at (in English only)

Nanette at (in English only)

Lynn at (in English only)

Norma at (in English only)

Lynda at: (in English only)

Birthe: (in Norwegian only)

Turid: (in English and Norwegian)

Cathy: (in English only)

Debbierose: (in English only)

Tracy: (in English only)

Jill: (in English only)

Claire: (in English only)

Susan: (in English only)

Jan: (in English only)

Karen: (in English only)

Deb: (in English only)




14 tankar på “Scrap Happy Day, July 15th

    • These are the light colored squares and I´m thinking of sewing one more quilt, using the darker colored squares. Then I´m gonna add some application to them and give them to my niece. She gave birth to twin boys six weeks ago. The baby quilt problem is now solved 🙂


  1. Hei. Da har jeg fått opp dagens bloggpost, der jeg har en tutorial for en scrappy blokk der du får brukt gamle og nye stoffer. Man blir helt hekta, og nå tror jeg at jeg må sy et nytt slikt teppe.


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