Jultäcket / The Christmas Quilt

Mitt i sommaren har jag sytt klart ett jultäcke!! Mönstret kommer från Bonnie K. Hunter och var hennes Mystery Quilt i julas. Täcket heter ”En Provence” och var inspirerat av lavendelfälten i Provence, Frankrike. Färgerna var lila, gult, grönt. Jag valde dock att sy mitt täcke i jultyger och därför får mitt täcke heta ”Noel en Provence”. Dessutom fick mitt täcke bli något mindre än originalet.

I the middle of the summer I have finished a Christmas quilt!! The pattern is designed by Bonnie K. Hunter and it was her Mystery Quilt last Christmas. The quilt is called ”En Provence” and was inspired from the lavendel fields in Provence, France. The colors were purple, yellow, green. I, however, chose to sew my quilt with Christmas fabrics and that is why my quilt is called ”Noel en Provence”. My quilt is smaller than the original.


14 tankar på “Jultäcket / The Christmas Quilt

  1. I love it! It’s very well timed, too; celebrating a second ‘Christmas in July’ is a popular custom in Australia, where July is the middle of winter. Only a few days to go… It’s not what *you* would call cold here, though: 6°C last night, and 21°C during the day 🙂


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