Januarisol / January Sun

Äntligen går vi mot ljusare tider! Genast känns allt mycket lättare. Jag har broderat en hel del sen sist (för tre veckor sedan). Då såg broderiet ut så här:

Finally we are moving towards brighter days! Suddenly it all feels so much better. I have stitched quite a lot since last time (three weeks ago). This is my embroidery then:


Och nu har jag alltså hunnit till mitten på den ena halvan av löparen!

And now I´m halfway done on the first half of the table runner!


Jag är med i en broderigrupp. Var tredje söndag redovisar vi vad vi sytt. Vi får sy hur mycket eller hur lite vi vill. Det är fritt att välja mönster. Jag har fått färdigt en mängd UFO:n på det här sättet. Vill du veta mer och vill du gå med i gruppen, så ta kontakt med Avis. Till denna gång säger vi Välkommen tillbaka till Mary Margaret och dessutom får vi hälsa två nya medlemmar välkomna: Renee och Jenny!!!Här nedanför finns en lista med länkar och namn till alla medlemmar!!

I´ve joined a Stitch-Along.  Every third Sunday we post about our stitching during the last three weeks. We can stitch how much we want to or how little. You can also decide what to stitch. It´s a good way to get unfinished embroideries finished. If you want to know more and want to join the group, contact Avis. This Sunday we say Welcome back to Mary Margaret and we also have two new members: Renee and Jenny. Welcome to you as well!  Below you´ll find a list with the links and names to all the members!!

Avis, Claire, Gun, Carole, LucyAnn, Kate, Jess, Sue, Constanze, Debbierose, Christina, Kathy, Margaret, Cindy, Helen, Steph, Linda, Heidi, Jackie, Sunny, Hayley, Megan, Catherine, Deborah, Connie, Clare, Mary Margaret, Renee, Jenny

33 tankar på “Januarisol / January Sun

  1. Hi – I found you because I follow Moira – The Quilted Snail. Your cross stitch table runner is beautiful. I used to cross stitch lots. Then I lost interest to other hobbies such as quilting. Then I got interested again and couldn’t see to stitch because I had double vision. I had surgery a couple of years ago to correct that and didn’t think to mention to the eye specialist that I needed glasses for small stitching. I now have reading glasses for small stitching and knitting and am ready to try my hand at that. I bought the fabric for two projects at the end of December and haven’t started either of them. I am suffering from a bout of severe depression and just cannot get interested in any hobby at the moment. Hopefully this will lift soon. I love seeing your quilting as well and that is one of my interests, too. Thanks for letting me visit. Susan

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